Standard Disclaimer's!!! It's Mine, all Mine! Yeah, right. Anyway, since I was taught to share, I'll send 'em home when I'm done. No money for me. Mostly Paramount's toys, my toy box.


The Watcher

The music swirled around her as she sat at the small table and watched the couples move to the sultry beat of the music. The music was warm, and seductive, perfect for the graceful movements flowing through the dancing crew.

Tom Paris had picked all the music for tonight's get together. It was perfect if one wanted make love on the dance floor. That's just what the crew was doing, too. Her eyes scanned the crowd, finally spotting them. There they were. Movements in sync. Bodies unraveling to the beat and one another. It was impossible to tell one from the other.

She closed her eyes briefly. Loneliness overwhelmed her briefly. With a sigh, her gaze once again traveled the room, only to lite on them once again. She had been on this ship for nearly sixteen years. She had watched as people built lives and families. Bonds were made, children born. Her eyes landed once more on the intense couple. Their mouths were merged, hands exploring one another. They pulled apart slowly. Their eyes met, and the intense love and commitment flowed. A delicate hand trailed through his peppery gray hair, coming forward to trace the intricate tattoo at his temple. His hands blended into her hair and pulled her to him again for another kiss. Thus it always was when they were together.

She sighed again, allowing her gaze to fall on other couples. Tom and B'Elanna were together, they had been married six years into Voyager's journey. Harry was dancing with Seven, they were nearly inseparable too. Their youngest child was turning five next week. Again she drifted back to the couple across the room.

The music had stopped, but they were still dancing, wrapped up in one another. He always danced every dance with her. There had been times, when she was younger, that she had interrupted them, or been extremely jealous of his attention to her. As time had passed, she began to accept and understand. She couldn't resent their devotion to one another, but it still made the loneliness echo through her.

Shaking her head slightly, she tried to think of other things, but it didn't work. Her thoughts remained on them. As she watched them kiss again, she closed her eyes. With all her being she prayed to whatever Gods were listening. *Please, please let me find someone who loves me as much as my father loves my mother.*

She focused in one more time as the music stopped. This time, as he always did near the end of the evening, Chakotay walked over to the table and offered his hand to the young woman sitting there.

"My Lady, may I have the honor of this dance?" A smile blazed Ryn's face. They had been performing this ritual for years.

"Oh yes!" And she flung herself into her father's arms, allowing him to guide her through the steps. *Perhaps, she could wait a little longer for love after all.*

With a sigh, she hugged him and danced.

I know, I'm bad!


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Copyright © Catherine Lee 1998